Sunday, 6 October 2013

“The Good Will Of The God Of The Burning Bush”

Deuteronomy 33:1 (KJV)
And for the precious things of the earth and fulness thereof,
let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the
top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren.

Have you ever heard folks talk about “good will”? In business, it denotes a good relationship between a business owner and his clients. Good will also exist between nations. Good will is an attitude of kindness, friendliness and benevolence.

Many folks have risen in life, business, on the job and other areas, because of the good will of people that came into their lives. Oh, how we need this influence! It is a force that folks should earnestly desire to have function in their life.

God is the God of GOOD WiLL. He is GOOD WiLL expressed. He is Kind, Friendly, and Benevolent. Did you know that one meaning of GRACE is God’s Willingness to use His Power on our behalf? Willingness is GOOD WiLL in manifestation.

I may have power or ability to help. I may even have influence to change a course; but may not be willing to use it for somebody. When somebody exercises his will to help us in a matter, then he is showing us grace or favour. This is what “good will’ is all about.

Let’s read our text from other Translations so we can get the depth of this prophetic pronouncements that Moses was making over Joseph.

Deuteronomy 33:16 (NiV)
with the best gifts of the earth and its fullness and the
Let all these rest on the head of Joseph, on the brow of the prince among his brothers.

Deuteronomy 33:16 (BBE)
The good things of the earth and all its wealth, the
may they come on the head of Joseph, on the head of him who was prince among his brothers.

Deuteronomy 33:16 (MSG)
The best of Earth's exuberant gifts, THE SMiLE OF THE BURNiNG-BUSH DWELLER.
All this on the head of Joseph, on the brow of the consecrated one among his brothers.
Deuteronomy 33:16 (BBE)

You will notice from the Versions I quoted that The Good Will also means
- SMiLE.

I pray that somebody reading this will catch the revelation that the Lord is bringing forth today on. There is a Blessing in Christ called “The Good Will of The God of the Burning Bush”. It was by this Blessing that Moses became who and what he was.

We get excited when we read about Joseph; how he eventually rose to prominence in Egypt (a strange land). He was such a mighty force that ALL Egypt was literally ruled by his will! He determined the economy, politics, and wealth of the land, and even beyond Egypt.

How could a “slave boy”, and a “prisoner” rise to that height in a foreign land? Hope you know that this was a guy that was conspired against by his brothers, was declared missing by them, lies were told on his head, he had precious gifts stolen from him, just name it, and Joseph had it all.

How would you feel to see folks you “helped to rise” later “forget” you? Do you know how it feels to see those you “sacrificed” for treat you as though you are a low profile? At a time in his life, it appeared as though the vision he had would never become.

Do you know what it means to be thrown into a dungeon and sharing stuffs with condemned criminals, being punished for a crime you never committed? Joseph was being “tried by the Word of the Lord”, but after all these ugly times, “his Word came”, and the “King sent for him”.

Folks, I speak to you now in the Spirit of Prophecy, no matter what is coming against you, no matter the storms, the lies, betrayal by friends, rejection by family and loved ones, and the harshness of the economy, there is an answer for you. There is a way out. A breakthrough is around the corner. All you need to have an “undeniable testimony” in life is “The Good Will of The God of The Burning Bush!”

Joseph slept one night a “prisoner”, but the next morning, he became a “prime minister” in the land of his shame, yea, in the very “presence of his enemies”. How could that have happened? Well, the answer is “The Good Will of The God of The Burning Bush” Hallelujah!

Folks, as I share with you, the Sweet Presence of the Lord is all around me! RECEiVE GRACE to LAUGH, in Jesus Name! Yea, ‘The Good Will of The God of The Burning Bush”.

- A LiFT is coming for you!


- You are RECEiViNG a GOOD REPORT from your doctors!

- If you are in a foreign land, hear the Spirit of Prophecy speak to you: YOUR LONG AWAiTED PAPERS and DOCUMENTS are out! You will not be DEPORTED!

Moses was “blessing” “Joseph” by the encounter he had with God at the Burning Bush. Mind you, Moses was on his “death bed” as it were, and he was pouring out himself by prophetic blessings upon the tribes of Israel. When he got to the tribe of Joseph, he then began to reflect on the very first encounter he had with the Lord which took place at the “Burning Bush”

Once, he was a refugee, an outlaw, declared wanted by Pharaoh. His life was falling apart, he just killed somebody in an attempt to do the “Will of God” And he had started a new life at this time, just to forget yesterday with its failures.

He’s eighty now; the best and vital part of his life has been lived, but no relevant achievement. So, he might as well resign to fate and wait for the undertaker. He gave up on life and himself, but “The God of The Burning Bush” did not give up on him!

One day while he was minding his own business, and hustling for survival, this Awesome God showed in a “Burning Bush”, smiled on him, and the rest is history.

Now here is Moses, blessing the tribe of Joseph under the influence of “The God of The Burning Bush”. He said to Joseph, “ what LiFTED me UP from being a NON ENTiTY, and gave me INFLUNCE in Egypt, and what made my life significant, the SAME will REST UPON YOUR HEAD!...God, my God, Who SMiLED on me at the Burning Bush, the SAME will SMiLE on you, and by His FAVOR, you will RiSE…”

Friends, I come to you today with that same blessing. All we need to be anything in life and destiny is “The Good Will of The God of The Burning Bush” And in Christ, we have access to this blessing. IT’S A NEW DAY FOR YOU!


-  Your LAND shall YiELD her iNCREASE!

- The BEST that the EARTH shall PRODUCE this YEAR, 2013, shall be your PORTiON!

- WHATEVER GOOD THiNGS the SUN, MOON, and the STARS have, shall be OFFERED you

- The RiVERS, STREAMS, and SEAS will GiVE to you ABUNDANTLY!

- You will be SUSTAiNED by the BLESSiNG of the BREASTS and the WOMB!

- ARROWS of HATRED SHOT at you will not PREVAiL!


Friday, 4 October 2013

“Nothing Will Stop Me!”

Philemon 1:10 (KJV)
I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, WHOM I HAVE BEGOTTEN iN MY BONDS

I find this particular Scripture interesting and very revealing also. I see light in these precious words of the great servant of God, Paul, the apostle.  In another version, he says,” My request is for my child Onesimus, THE CHiLD OF MY CHAiNS,” (BBE).

Paul said that Onesimus was the “child of his chains”. In other words, “I gave birth to you (spiritually speaking), while I was in PRiSON…” The New King James Version says,” I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten WHiLE IN MY CHAiNS,”

It’s clear from these different translations that Paul was not in a good condition when Onesimus was converted. Onesimus was not born again in a crusade or revival meeting that Paul was ministering in as a guest speaker. Paul was not in a crusade; he was in prison!

There were times in his life when Paul had “great” moments preaching, when the sailing was smooth; no boisterous winds or the likes. Everything was just cool and nice. But this time around, the situation was not sweet. He was locked up, bound in chains, and surrounded by soldiers.

It wasn’t a sweet moment for Paul. At face value, one would think that nothing much would happen. How in the world could Paul have “given birth” to Onesimus, when the condition was not perfect?

Did you know that very many times, when we read about some Bible characters and the great works they did, we erroneously conclude that they had it all smooth and easy.

No, they didn't just have an easy time all through. They had challenges just as we do. There were rough times; trials, tests, and temptations. Paul even said that there were moments in which they gave up on life! They lost hope.

2 Corinthians 1:8 (KJV)
For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of OUR TROUBLE which came to us in Asia, THAT WE WERE PRESSED out of measure, above strength, iNSOMUCH THAT WE DESPAiRED EVEN OF LiFE:

Wait a minute! I thought Paul was a great man of faith? Did you notice he said, “Our trouble”? How come a “faith preacher” is talking about having”trouble”? He said there was pressure on them; they were “weighed down” exceedingly; and they came to a point where they gave up and thought the end had finally come.

I've taken a little extra time to explain some of these things so you can know that these Bible folks were human as we are, and they had situations too that were ugly, yet they won! The odds were against them, but in spite of it all, they succeeded.

Paul was in chains, bound in a prison, yet Onesimus was “born”. The negative flow of things could not STOP Paul. He went ahead, advanced, despite oppositions. NOTHiNG could STOP Paul, he was fruitful. If Paul could not be stopped, NOTHiNG WiLL STOP YOU this season.

You will be FRUiTFUL ; you will be PRODUCTiVE, you will ARRiVE, and you will GET THERE, NO MATTER what Hell is doing around you. Your FRUiTFULNESS isn't limited to when the weather is “clear”. The external flow of things should not stop you from “giving birth”.

Paul was in chains, yet Onesimus was born. The Oil of God upon your life is too FERTiLE to be BARREN! You will fulfill that ministry. That business will see the light of the day. We can’t stop these “troubles” from coming; but one thing is prophetically sure: the HARDER they COME, the HARDER they FALL! We will advance, because we are UNSTOPABLE!

Make up your mind that these pressures will not STOP your FRUiTFULNESS. The harsh economic condition will not STOP you from building that house. You are a “covenant child”. The “Word of Promise” is backing you. Your prophecies are too alive to be killed by the agents of darkness!

Let Pharaoh deal “wisely” with us by holding dark meetings to destroy us. Let him set “task masters” over us to “afflict” us with burdens, but anyhow, anyhow, we will “increase, we will multiply, and we will possess”. Hallelujah!

Genesis 1:28 (KJV)
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, BE FRUiTFUL, AND MULTiPLY, and replenish the earth…

You have been blessed from the beginning. The enemy has come too late. A pronouncement of good will has been made over your life. Your FRUiTFULNESS is sure and non negotiable.  These unwholesome situations cannot STOP you.

You don’t need to wait till everything calms down. Your greatest breakthrough is right inside this ugly condition you are in now. Did you know that a major part of Paul’s epistles were written in prison? Your external circumstance may not be smooth, but NOTHiNG CAN NEGATiVELY AFFECT THE WORD OF GOD.

Don’t mystify your troubles. The Lord is only training you through it all. Your BEST is about to COME FORTH by this OPPOSiTiON. In the language of Bishop Erasmus Nosa Oleghe, I dare say to you that you are being “energized by oppositions”. Your greatest testimony is coming. Get ready for the NEXT LEVEL of FRUiTFULNESS.

I believe that the Lord is speaking to you through this message today. Take a look at that “chain” in your life once more and say to it, “Chains, you may be on me; your assignment is to STOP me and HiNDER me from FRUiTFULNESS. But I REFUSE to let you be. Your PURPOSE and iNTENTiONS against me are PERMANENTLY DAMAGED! I will PUSH THROUGH. Nothing, and absolutely NOTHiNG CAN STOP ME!”

Friends, rise up from that low position you are in, and see the potentials in you waiting to manifest! The Lord is still with you. What He did when the “south wind blew softly”; He can still do now that a “tempestuous wind” is blowing!


- From the TOP of my HEAD to the SOLES of my FEET, I DECLARE with my MOUTH, that my LiFE is SUPERABUNDANTLY FRUiTFUL!

- My PROPHECiES are CATCHiNG UP with me, and my NCREASE is iNCREASiNG!

- That which is POTENTiAL in me will NOT DiE UNREALiZED, in Jesus Name!

- There is FRESH OiL upon my HEAD; I am SWiFT as the EAGLES and STRONG as the LiON!

- The UNCTiON upon me is causing me to be FRUiFUL in ALL AREAS of LiFE!

- In Jesus Name, I AM A BOUGH, even A FRUiTFUL BOUGH  by a SPRiNG! 

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

“…With The Help of The Lord…”

Genesis 4:1 (KJV)
And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and
bare Cain, and said, I HAVE GOTTEN A MAN FROM THE LORD.

In another Translation, the Bible says,” And the man knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man WiTH [THE HELP OF] JEHOVAH. (ASV)

Our God is a God of Mercies and Compassion. Even when we fail and are undeserving of His HELP, He has a way of coming through for us. I sense in my spirit that there is somebody reading this now that is about to see the Lord move for them in an amazing way.

 You are not presently expecting God to HELP you in this situation, because somehow you caused it, but the Lord impresses in my spirit to tell you that HELP from the Lord is coming your way! A divine surprise is about to hit you! God is always a HELPER and He will help you in this circumstance.

A blessing is coming, and it will totally turn your life right side up. I see you weeping for JOY! This HELP from the Lord will be TOO MUCH for you! Be EXPECTANT. Your expectation will provoke the move of God in your direction this season.

From our text, we can see Eve testifying to God’s goodness. She was experiencing God in an awesome way. The Lord was showing her Mercy and Love. Her life was encountering Divine Assistance. A pleasant surprise was on in her life!

Adam and Eve were having their first “childbearing” experience. This “birth” was so smooth and easy. Satan probably had been whispering lies to them, especially to Eve that she won’t make it in this pregnancy.

You will recall that before now, they missed it. Adam and Eve blew it! They sinned against the Lord, and a “curse” was pronounced on them. Satan went into action thinking to frustrate them and destroy God’s plan for their life.

The enemy waited for Eve the day she was to bring forth her first child; Satan’s plan was to cause weeping and tears; he probably wanted to make null and void the testimony of the Lord in their life. Satan wanted to get at God!

Eve had fears. They have failed God. “Will God be there for me in this child birth”, she probably thought.
 Maybe her feelings were negative; there were no “signs” that God would be there for them. She thought she would go through it alone; she was continually under condemnation.

Folks, don’t blame Eve. If you were in her shoes, you will have the same feelings. Even now, some of you are battling with thoughts of condemnation; you can see areas in your life where you’ve missed it. Again and again, you’ve failed God.

You are not even expecting anything to happen. You are in tears now. Confusion seems to overwhelm you. Can I make it? Will God show up for me? How can this happen seeing I know not a man? Am I sure that God will still HELP me?

Beloved, these are your thoughts. These are the things going on in your mind. The enemy is showing you defeat upon defeat. Your dreams lately have been scary. The doctor’s report on your case has not been encouraging. Yes, the odds are against you.

But I bring you the Word of the Lord today. The Lord says,”HELP IS ON YOUR WAY” The Lord is going to give you a pleasant surprise. You will make it against all odds. Satan will not write the last chapter of your life. Those who are waiting to see you fail will wait in vain! I see a BiG BREAKTHROUGH coming your way! Hallelujah.

Eve said, “With the HELP of the Lord”. Yes, she gave birth with the HELP of the Lord. The Lord was there for her in GRACE. She called the name of that child Cain. Did you know that Cain is not a bad name? We think the name, Cain, is “evil” because of the nature of the man that bore that name.

No, Cain is a good name. It was a name borne out of a supernatural encounter that the parents had. It was a name that came by inspiration. This name, Cain, is prophetic. It means acquired, possession, or that which is produced

Did you notice the way Eve spoke when Cain was born? She exclaimed saying, “I have GOTTEN a man FROM the Lord.” Take note of the words gotten. It means to procreate, beget, and bear.  Eve saw God HELPiNG her in this situation. It was not just herself alone. It was by the Hand of God upon her life.

Friends, HELP IS ON THE WAY for you! God, Who surprised Eve, will surprise you. There is never a time in which God will not HELP. There is a limit to what your hands can give you. Eve said, “I have acquired a man by the HELP of the Lord”. Connect with that same GRACE this season. Don’t cut off from the supply of GRACE that Heaven is releasing to us this season.

- The HELP of the Lord shall MANiFEST for you in that PROJECT!

- The UNCTiON to ACQUiRE comes UPON you NOW!

- PLEASANT SURPRiSES will be your testimonies this season!

- That BREAKTHROUGH you are EXPECTiNG will come!

- You will MAKE IT!

Friday, 27 September 2013


Genesis 1:1-3 (KJV)
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth

 FACE OF THE DEEP. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

AND GOD SAiD, Let there be light: and there was light.

Wait a minute!

It’s seems as though God had begun to fail right from the beginning! Did you read the Words of Scripture? It says, “And the earth was WiTHOUT FORM, AND VOiD; AND DARKNESS WAS UPON THE FACE OF THE DEEP.”

This seems to be a picture of defeat. But can God be defeated? If God can’t be defeated, how come the Earth He made had a problem? How come the Earth was “without form”? What about the void? When something is void, it means empty. Was this how God made the Earth?

I really do not feel that darkness is a good picture. There is something wrong somewhere; we need an explanation! Well, the Lord didn't make the Earth like this. What we see going on here is a satanic interruption of a beautiful environment.

Everything was in a perfect shape in the beginning. Genesis chapter one verse one reveals the original Earth as the Lord created it. This perfect condition continued for a long, long time; ages upon ages, till Satan rebelled against the Throne of Almighty God in Heaven, and he was expelled from that place of Glory!

It was not easy for him to accept this “quit notice”. He knew how it was when He was in Glory. In anger, he then began to disrupt the things that God created on Earth; this was the reason for the Earth becoming “without form and void”; this was the reason for the” darkness upon the face of the deep”

It’s amazing to know that even God faced a challenging situation right in the beginning. This was enough reason to make God GiVE UP! Even today, the Lord has enough reasons to GiVE UP on the world! The condition of the world presently is alarming; things are definitely not in shape at face value.  World events are discouraging; yet the Lord has not GiVEN UP on the world!

The Lord is carrying the weight of the world upon His Shoulders; even if the Lord wants to GiVE UP now on the world, we will give Him “credit”; He has done His best! But Jehovah has refused to GiVE UP! There is no reason strong enough for Him to do it. It is against His constitution to GiVE UP- He has a High an unequalled Victorious attitude, hallelujah!

                           QUiTTERS DON’T WiN and WiNNERS DON’T QUiT.

Did you know that it was easy for the Lord Jesus to GiVE UP on Peter? You know as well as I do that Peter severally demonstrated inconsistencies. What about Saul of Tarsus? The Lord never GiVES UP on people. He will not GiVE UP on you, so DON’T GiVE UP on you either, no matter what you see going on around you or you don’t like.

God Isn’t A Quitter. He never GiVES UP on folks, why should you? In spite of peoples’ frailties, He still believes in them. Your spouse may have some flaws or weakness, just make up your mind to still believe in them anyhow; DON’T QUiT that marriage, because the sweetness can still come back!

Genesis 1:3 (KJV)
AND GOD SAiD, Let there be light: and there was light.

You will recall that we said earlier that there was chaos at a time in God’s Earth. That was an Earth that was designed in beauty and order. Darkness was everywhere; the Lord had a big issue on hand, but instead of GiViNG UP, God “SPOKE UP”!

We can do likewise. We have this same ability to SPEAK UP. Yes we can CALL THOSE THiNGS THAT BE NOT as THOUGH THEY ARE! This is the way to victory in these challenging times. We should be SPEAKiNG UP.

The Word of God should continually be our CONFESSiON. When men are cast down and are about GiViNG UP, our talk should be, “ There is a LiFTiNG UP” Hallelujah.

Don’t GiVE UP on that situation; go BEYOND it and tell the Devil that he is a BiG, BiG LiAR! When God began to SPEAK UP, then a restoration started. Light came, and darkness and confusion departed. Now, say to yourself,” I will not GiVE UP; instead I will SPEAK UP…”

Make these DECLARATiONS over your Life and Destiny:

- This PRESENT UGL Y SiTUATiON will not DESTROY me, in Jesus Name!

- I do not have a COVENANT with DARKNESS; therefore, I shall WALK in the LiGHT!

- In the Name of the Lord Jesus, the FORCES of hell cannot PUT MY LIFE (you can put anything in here) on HOLD!

- I am a WiNNER, and not a LOSER! To LOSE is FOREiGN to my NATURE; therefore I REJECT every suggestion to LOSE, in Jesus Name!

 - My LiFE and DESTiNY will not END at this LEVEL

- I am GOiNG HiGHER, yes, I AM!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Epignosis: There Is A Due Season

Epignosis: There Is A Due Season: Galatians 6:9 (KJV) And let us not be weary in well doing: FOR iN DUE SEASON we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9 (Bible in Bas...

There Is A Due Season

Galatians 6:9 (KJV)
And let us not be weary in well doing: FOR iN DUE SEASON we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians 6:9 (Bible in Basic English)
And let us not get tired of well-doing; FOR AT THE RiGHT TiME we will get in the grain, if we do not give way to weariness

If only we knew that there is an end, we will not allow the enemy stop us at the wrong “bus stops”. Yes, there are “wrong” bus stops on the highway of life and destiny, and many are stopping at these satanic bus stops.

When the Bible talks about an “end”, it’s saying to us in prophetic terms that where you are now is not the FiNAL PLACE; you are still on the journey. There is a PLACE WHERE your FULL GLORY will MANiFEST, and your TESTiMONY shall be HEARD.

What many folks have not realized is that the Lord is constantly thinking the end. In His dealings and activities with us, He always has the end in view. He is the Originator of this journey of destiny. He has the blueprint to your life.

Your life is like a book, there are chapters and pages. An ideal book has preface; introduction, acknowledgement, etc. God is the Author of the book of your life and destiny. He knows what He has written concerning us.

Should we find ourselves at certain times in our life where we see ourselves “fainting’’ or in dismay, let’s not conclude too quickly that “it’s all over”. No, no, no! It can’t be over till God blows the whistle! He is the real Umpire in the race of life.

That time of fainting is just a chapter to the book of your life; it’s not an indication that the book has ended. There are yet more glorious chapters ahead. Just keep at it, beat the odds and get to the end.

There is an immediate and an ultimate in destiny. The immediate is your present time; it is this time of pain, confusion, heart breaking circumstances etc. The immediate is the place where men are “mocking” you and are making all nasty statements about you.

Yes, this is the place of rejection and neglect; it’s the place where shame almost swallowed you. Very many times when we are in our “immediate moments”, many think we have missed God or have sinned terribly!

The “immediate moments” in this book of destiny can be painful. At such times if you are into ministry, you will believe you were never called or that you went “too soon” into ministry. The “immediate seasons” are seasons where you have too many questions without answers!

But this season is not forever; it’s just as it sounds, the “immediate”. It is about now; today. But it is not THE END. The ultimate is THE END. The “ultimate” is the destination. It is the PLACE of FULL MANiFESTATiON of GRACE and GLORY.

This is the place where men will say finally, “show me your God!” This is where Jehovah is taking you to. You will get there, in Jesus Precious Name

Friday, 19 July 2013

Epignosis: I WiLL NOT SERVE MY ENEMiES!Deuteronomy 28:47-48...


Deuteronomy 28:47-48...
: I WiLL NOT SERVE MY ENEMiES! Deuteronomy 28:47-48 (BBE)                                                             Because you did not g...

Saturday, 23 March 2013

You Have Something!

Hebrews 13:5 (KJV)
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with SUCH THINGS AS YE HAVE: …

A great deception which I have come to see that many folks are a victim of is the idea that they have nothing. This is a trick of the enemy that many believers are accepting.

Yes, it’s true that there are THiNGS that the other person has that you do not have. But you need to know that there is NO ONE INDiViDUAL that has ALL THiNGS to himself; always, there is a lack somewhere in somebody’ life.

No man is an island. Everyone has a limitation, I didn't mean in a negative sense. What I mean by “limitation” is that WHAT you have NOW, can only take you thus far; but to move into greater heights, you need somebody’ input. That’s how God designed life!

The problem I have seen is that most times, folks are blind to what they have. The enemy tells many folks that they have nothing; even when they “have” something, they tell themselves that what they seemingly have is not enough.

This mindset has made many folks to be covetous; they want to have what the other fellow has by all means. They have erroneously accepted a philosophy that what they need to “complete” them, is what somebody else has! What a lie.

As long as your eyes are on what the other guy has, which of course is not like your own, you will never see what you have. And even when you “see” them, you will never value them.

Did you notice what Paul said to us by the Spirit of God in Hebrews 13? He said be content with “such things as ye have…” Such THiNGS as YOU HAVE! Yes dear, you have something. And what you have is ENOUGH for you.

Don’t forget that God gave you what you have. And this God is a God of purpose, objectivity, and design.

Purpose always comes into play when God is creating or making. He is the GREAT MANUFACTURER.  Manufacturers of products never produce a thing without considering purpose.

Everything has a purpose. What you have was given you to suit your purpose. When you locate purpose, then you will begin to appreciate what you have. From today, begin to live in the consciousness of having something. YOU HAVE SOMETHiNG.


2 Kings 4:1-2 (KJV)

¶ Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the LORD: AND THE CREDiTOR iS COME TO TAKE UNTO HiM MY TWO SONS TO BE BONDMEN.

Beloved, it’s not enough to “fear” the Lord, no sir. If your life will have colour, you need to know some things in the Lord that will push you forward. You need to understand GRACE; RiGHT RELATiONSHiP; TAKiNG ADVANTAGE of PROPHETiC RELATiONSHiPS etc

The prophet-husband of this woman was blind to what he had that could have bailed him out of penury and shame. He died transferring debts to his family. He didn't have enough sense to “take advantage of prophetic relationship.”

After his death, reality dawned on the widow. Out of desperation she cried out to Elisha, another prophet, who had GRACE upon him. But why didn't the husband locate Elisha? Maybe PRiDE hindered him. He felt he was also a prophet like Elisha!

It’s amazing how Elisha ministered to her. The prophet asked her after her cry for help, “…What shall I do for thee? Tell me, WHAT HAST THOU iN THE HOUSE? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not anything in the house, save a pot of oil.” 2 Kings 4:2.

The HELP she was looking for, which would have saved her husband from untimely death, was right in their house…in their kitchen! It’s amazing how the Lord works.

She thought they had nothing; but the prophet asked her, “…WHAT HAST THOU iN THE HOUSE...” This is the way of the Spirit; this is how the Lord operates. You need not go far; look inward, the answer in you.

Her reply was negative; she despised what she had; she was focusing on size or the likes. That which she thought was nothing was what the Lord used to set her free! Your answer is not far from you. It’s iNSiDE you.

That “pot of oil” in your life has your miracle. Your next level is trapped in that “pot of oil”. TRADE with what you have; put ADEQUATE VALUE on it, then see your life RiSE in glory!

You will not see SHAME!


Monday, 18 March 2013


Deuteronomy 28:47-48 (BBE)                                                            Because you did not give honor to the Lord your God, WORSHiPPiNG HiM GLADLY, WiTH JOY iN YOUR HEARTS on account of all your wealth of good things;

FOR THiS CAUSE YOU WiLL BECOME SERVANTS to those whom the Lord your God will send against you, WiTHOUT FOOD AND DRiNK AND CLOTHiNG, and iN NEED OF ALL THiNGS: AND HE WiLL PUT A YOKE OF iRON ON YOUR NECK TiLL HE HAS PUT AN END TO YOU.                                              

Lately, the Spirit of the Lord has been teaching us some things about JOY. God wants us to Maintain an Attitude of Joy! This should be an every moment thing; not just once upon a time. Why should I have Joy always in my heart? What is there about Joy that I just have to maintain? What do I stand to lose if my Joy is gone?

Can I ask you a simple question? Would you want to SERVE your ENEMiES all the days of your life? It’s not a good condition to be in to serve your enemies! To serve your enemies is to live under their controlling power.

The enemies will determine where you go to; what you eat; what you wear; the houses you will live in; the type of cars you will drive, etc. Yes, the enemies will put you under, against your will. You can’t risk not having Joy in your heart.

Lack of Joy attracts the presence of demons. And demons are heartless. Once they gain a foothold in a place, that’s it. They are very territorial in operation. Let’s not give them a chance to enter in.

Moses in our text was warning Israel prophetically of certain things that could happen if they miss God. He said that there are consequences of not serving God with GLADNESS of HEART. To be glad in the heart is to be joyful.

God wants to be honored. One way to do that is by worshiping Him gladly. How? With JOY in our HEARTS! Joy is heavenly; it heals. Joy brings rest, and rest is restoration. I believe that somebody’s restoration reading this is in your JOY.

For This Cause…

Sadness is an attitude of ingratitude. A SAD HEART is an UNGRATEFUL HEART. We’re sad because the enemy is making us see what seems to be the obvious…what should have been that has not become yet…the bills that are piling up…the medical reports etc.

Yes, I know that there are still things that are yet to manifest in your life; there are prayers that are still not “answered”; there are circumstances that have remain unchanged or so.

But if you look within, you will realize that your life is still BETTER than it was yesterday. You may not have certain things now, but there are things you have that others don’t have.

Somebody said, “But I don’t have a reason to be joyful? Why should I be glad and merry when my life is still far from purpose?

No, honey, you have a reason to be happy. Your life is not far from purpose. You will still arrive in destiny. Nothing is stopping you. Don’t let go your Joy. Your Joy is your STRENGTH.

When our Joy goes, then the enemy comes in causing us much pain. There are certain things the Word says will happen when our Joy goes.

-  We will become SERVANTS to our enemies.

- We will be WiTHOUT FOOD and CLOTHiNG

- We will be iN NEED OF ALL THiNGS.

- The enemies will PUT YOKE of iRON UPON our NECKS, till he reduces us to NOTHiNG.

But when our Joy is iNTACT, the enemies will stay off from our territories. Satan knows this, that’s why he’s working through situations to “break” our heart. A broken heart Is a terrible state. We will not ALLOW that to be again.


You will NOT SERVE your ENEMiES, in Jesus Precious Name!

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


1 Kings 18:21 (NKJV)
¶ And Elijah came to all the people, and said, "How long will you FALTER BETWEEN TWO OPINIONS? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." But the people answered him not a word.

Let’s read this verse from the World English Bible translation: “Elijah came near to all the people, and said, "How long will YOU WAVER BETWEEN THE TWO SIDES? If Yahweh is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him." The people answered him not a word.” 1 Kings 18:21.

There is a disease in Psychiatry called schizophrenia. Folks who suffer from such an illness are called schizophrenics. Let me do a little medical explanation here: schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder characterized by a progressive deterioration of one’s personality.

This condition makes an individual to withdraw from reality, hallucinate, and become emotionally unstable. Folks who have this illness often demonstrates “split personality”. People with this condition behave in a way that is motivated by contradictory or conflicting principles.

They vacillate in their words and deeds. You can’t really predict them. When you meet with them in the morning they are saying a particular thing, but in the afternoon or so, when you ask them what their stance is, you will be amazed that they have a different opinion FAR FROM their initial conviction.

They seem to be suffering from “duality”. They are not stable. The Bible describes folks like that as those “giving to change”.

Proverbs 24:21 (KJV)
¶ My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and MEDDLE NOT WITH THEM THAT ARE GIVEN TO CHANGE:

It’s clear here what our actions should be to folks who waver, and DON’T WANT to come out of that lifestyle; God says “meddle not with them”, that is , don’t associate with them, because they could influence you with their thought pattern.

                                               LiMPiNG BETWEEN TWO SiDES

Satan likes it when we halt between two opinions. He is the author of confusion. He wants to keep folks in the dark, and as long as you are in the dark, especially in issues that have to do with God’s Will, you will never be a success in life.

It matters what your view of God is. How do you see God? Never you try to reason out God, because He s not a man. In our reasoning we think that sometimes God is good, and at other times He is bad. We reason like this: “Who knows, God may be happy today with me; and tomorrow, He might be angry with me”

Did you know that there are folks who believe that God sometimes blesses, but at other times, He curses. Today, He is my Healer, but tomorrow, He may be given me a disease to “teach me a lesson” or to “humble me”

You see, as long as folks are like this, then they are schizophrenic, spiritually speaking. They are “tossed to and fro”. James describes them as “double minded”, and such folks can never see the GLORY of God!

When people are not SURE of WHAT the Lord can do at a time; when their BELiEF is shaky, just know that they only have “head knowledge” of God’s Word and not “heart knowledge”. Schizophrenic believers are living between two covenants - the Old Covenant and the New Covenant.

Many preachers are also schizophrenic! Imagine what it means to stay under the ministry of a schizophrenic pastor! Such Men of God minister from two mountains: Mount Sinai and Mount Zion.

When you minster from Sinai, you will end up teaching and preaching “mixture” and “cursing” the worshipers! The Old Covenant is a veiled revelation; you can’t fully know the Lord and His ways just staying there.

In the New Covenant, we have a better picture of God the Father. Jesus came to “show us plainly” the reality of God and His Will. You may not have realized it, but serving God was more of a “struggle” in the Old Covenant days, compared to us today in the age of Grace.

When you ask folks with spiritual schizophrenia when they feel God is ANGRY with them, the answer you will get is this: “When I do WRONG”. So, in their reasoning, when THEY DO right, God is HAPPY with them!

What folks like these are saying is that God BLESSES them because of them. If that’s the case, what about Jesus? Where does He stand in all these? Why the SACRiFiCE of Christ on the CROSS? Then Jesus WASTED His precious BLOOD and TiME hanging on the CROSS!

                                           OUR PREACHERS ARE TO BLAME!

Folks cannot rise above what they have heard and keep hearing. I am a preacher, I know what I was, and what I preached years ago before LiGHT came to me and what I know now. Yes, our preachers are to blame for spiritual schizophrenia in the church!

Majority of our preachers are preaching “mixture gospel”. What is a “mixture gospel’? Any gospel that put emphasis on “self help; human performance, and the law”, is “mixture”. The true gospel is GRACE.
What kind of GRACE? I mean GRACE that came by Jesus!

GRACE is not a doctrine, topic, or subject, it is a PERSON, and His Name is Jesus! Christianity is a “FiNiSHED WORK” And God expects us to “LiVE IN THE FiNiSHED”

God BLESSES me today because of Jesus; He is not ANGRY with me today because of Jesus; I can expect to PROSPER in the “here and now”, because of Jesus! Hallelujah.

If you want to know WHAT God THiNKS about YOU and HOW He SEES you, LOOK AT JESUS! Stop living your life by the opinion of schizophrenic preachers. Go to the Word and FiND OUT for yourself. The Bible says in 2 Cor 3: 15-16, “But even to this day, WHEN MOSES IS READ, A VEiL LiES ON THEIR HEART.

It’s only when we TURN to the Lord that the VEiL, the CONFUSiON, the DOUBT, and the LiMPiNG BETWEEN TWO SiDES is taken away!


Thursday, 21 February 2013


            THE RAM’S HORN ANOiNTiNG

 Samuel 10:1 (KJV)
¶ Then Samuel took A ViAL OF OiL, and poured it upon his head,
and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD hath ANOINTED thee to be captain over his inheritance?

I Samuel 16:1,13 (KJV)
 ¶ And the LORD said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul,
seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? FiLL THiNE HORN WiTH OL,
and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.
Then Samuel took THE HORN OF OiL, and ANOiNTED him in the midst of his brethren:

and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

It’s interesting to know that Samuel was the one the Lord used to ANOiNT the first two kings of Israel, Saul and David. However, there is a difference between these two “anointing” .This difference has a deep prophetic significance to us.

Yes, they both REiGNED for forty years, but even at that, Saul could not fulfill completely God’s plan for his life as a king. It’s one thing to be ANOiNTED, and another to KNOW why you are ANOiNTED. God thinks purposes. He works according to the counsel of His Own Will.

It was a privilege for Saul to be anointed as the FiRST king in Israel. It was record breaking indeed. God had GREAT PLANS for him, but sentiments made him to lose. His name would have been on the eternal records of the Books of the Kings of Israel, who FOLLOWED God WHOLEHEARTEDLY and did His Will.

God is permanent in His WAYS and DOiNGS, His GiFTS and CALLiNG are irrevocable. Except He does not WANT to, but if He DECiDES, that’s it. When He sent Samuel to anoint Saul as a king, he had honor and glory in mind for Saul, bur Saul was more concerned about the “people” and not the Lord.

He forgot that it was not the people that installed him as a king. The agenda he was to carry out was not the people’s own. He forgot that GRACE and GRACE alone made him what he was. Did you recall how he left his father’s house?

He went seeking for “lost asses”; and by Divine orchestration, he came in contact with Samuel. But unknown to him, the Lord and Samuel had a “talk” about him. The prophet was aware that he would “show up” soon! Saul met a PREPARED ROOM in Samuel’s apartment.

HONOR and SiGNiFiCANCE began to speak for him at his first encounter with Samuel. His hand could not have given him all these, but AMAZiNG GRACE gave him.

It was clear that Saul was not PREPARED for WHAT God HAS PREPARED for him! This is the bane of many of God’s Kids. We are not PREPARED for WHAT the Lord has PREPARED for us; and even when the Lord is taking us through preparations, we back out!

God’s preparation is vital for enthronement. But His preparations are not the same for each of us. Why? Our assignments are not the same. He prepares us according to our assignments. This truth is seen throughout scripture. Check how Moses was prepared compared to Joshua.

But whatever form the preparation takes, the end result is always GLORY and ENTRHONEMENT!  Don’t just be content with the fact that you are ANOiNTED, seek to know PURPOSE, and when you do, you will be FULFiLLED.

                                                      A ViAL OF OiL.

Let’s do little study on these two anointing.

You will notice that when Samuel anointed Saul, the Scripture specifically says that Samuel took a “vial of oil”, and “poured it upon his head”,I Sam 10:1. Now, let’s read it in another translation.

I Samuel 10:1 (Bible In Basis English)
Then Samuel took the BOTTLE OF OIL, and put the oil on his head
and gave him a kiss and said, Is not the Lord with the holy oil making you ruler over Israel, his people?...

I Samuel 10:1 (New King James Version)
Then Samuel took a FLASK OF OIL and poured it on his head,
and kissed him and said: "Is it not because the LORD has anointed you commander over His inheritance?

The Old King James says, “a vial of oil.

What’s a vial? It is a glass vessel or bottle; it’s used to store medicines or chemicals. It’s like a flask. You know that by its make, a bottle or flask is very fragile. A glass can easily brake! Whatever you pour into a flask has to be carefully watched because if the flask breaks, the content will be wasted!

Why would Samuel by the Sprit of prophecy, anoint Saul with a vial of oil? By this act (prophetic of course), the Lord, manifesting Omniscience, was showing that Saul’s throne would not be forever! Was it that the Lord planned that Saul would have this type of reign? No, that would be unfair!

In His foreknowledge, the Lord knew that Saul would not follow Him fully in carrying out His Will, and for that, Saul’s kingship would not “endure”. What was Saul’s problem? He was too concerned about the “people”. He thought he NEEDED the PEOPLE to succeed.

This is the mistake many make today; we are moved by the pressure from the people. But we forgot that it was not THE PEOPL that made us, but God. Saul lacked CHARACTER-STRENGHT OF CHARACTER- to STAY FiRM in OBEYiNG God..

David made as many mistakes as Saul, but he knew how to go to God and seek Hs mercy; Saul had problems with ego. He never acknowledged that he missed it when he did. That was the reason his kingship could not have lasting effect; which prophetically was acted out by the ViAL OF OiL poured on his head!

1 Sam 13:13-14. (KJV)
And Samuel said to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept
the commandment of the LORD thy God, which he commanded thee:


May this not be said of us that our life, ministry, calling, etc shall not continue!  May we not be giving an anointing that will not last!

Samuel told Saul, “…for now the Lord would have established thy kingdom…forever. .’’ Saul acted foolishly. He was presumptuous.

                                                           “ FiLL THiNE HORM WiTH OiL”

1 Samuel 16:1 (KJV)
And the LORD said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul,
seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? FiLL THiNE HORN WiTH OL,
and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.

The King God provided was David, a shepherd boy, who had no training from the established schools then. He was trained at the “back-side of the desert”. His school mates were wild beasts and reptiles. He lived in obscurity, but HEAVEN SAW him!

His heart was panting after the Lord; he was a worshiper. He loved the Lord with so much passion. His DESiRE was to see God’s Will ESTABLiSHED in the Land.

In his life time, David BUiLT ALTARS; but Saul did not! David was human as Saul; he probably did more blunders than Saul, but how come his kingship had eternality? What was there about him that made God ask Samuel to anoint him with “A RAM’S HORN”?

Yes, the anointing on David was a “RAM’S HORN ANOiNTiNG”. It was the shofar. The shofar is very significant in the religious life of the Jews. The idea came from the horn of the ram that was “caught in the thicket” on the Mount of Sacrifice, where Isaac, a TYPE of Christ, was “killed”.

A HORN is a STRONG and HARD SUBSTANCE. It is VERY DURABLE. David’s rule was eternal. It was linked to Christ. The Word says,” He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him THE THRONE OF HiS FATHER DAViD:  And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.” Luke 1:32-33

By the RAM’S HORN ANOiNTiNG, David had continuity in his kingship. He had no REPLACEMENT. Though there were uprisings against him, but because of the RAM’S HORN ANOiNTiNG, he SURViVED! The man that has this type of anointing CANNOT BE DEFEATED.

I believe this is an ANOiNTiNG we need in this final hour before Jesus comes. It is the Davidic anointing. There are features of this anointing which I will share in days to come. But suffice it to say that this ANOiNTiNG is available to searching hearts.

God WEiGHS the hearts of men; he sees what men don’t see. Right positioning in this hour will cause us to be filled with this anointing. God told Samuel, “Fill thine horn with oil…” I see this RAM’S HORN OiL coming upon your HEAD!

The DAYS ahead of you shall be FAR GREATER than the DAYS behind you!