Wednesday, 25 September 2013

There Is A Due Season

Galatians 6:9 (KJV)
And let us not be weary in well doing: FOR iN DUE SEASON we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians 6:9 (Bible in Basic English)
And let us not get tired of well-doing; FOR AT THE RiGHT TiME we will get in the grain, if we do not give way to weariness

If only we knew that there is an end, we will not allow the enemy stop us at the wrong “bus stops”. Yes, there are “wrong” bus stops on the highway of life and destiny, and many are stopping at these satanic bus stops.

When the Bible talks about an “end”, it’s saying to us in prophetic terms that where you are now is not the FiNAL PLACE; you are still on the journey. There is a PLACE WHERE your FULL GLORY will MANiFEST, and your TESTiMONY shall be HEARD.

What many folks have not realized is that the Lord is constantly thinking the end. In His dealings and activities with us, He always has the end in view. He is the Originator of this journey of destiny. He has the blueprint to your life.

Your life is like a book, there are chapters and pages. An ideal book has preface; introduction, acknowledgement, etc. God is the Author of the book of your life and destiny. He knows what He has written concerning us.

Should we find ourselves at certain times in our life where we see ourselves “fainting’’ or in dismay, let’s not conclude too quickly that “it’s all over”. No, no, no! It can’t be over till God blows the whistle! He is the real Umpire in the race of life.

That time of fainting is just a chapter to the book of your life; it’s not an indication that the book has ended. There are yet more glorious chapters ahead. Just keep at it, beat the odds and get to the end.

There is an immediate and an ultimate in destiny. The immediate is your present time; it is this time of pain, confusion, heart breaking circumstances etc. The immediate is the place where men are “mocking” you and are making all nasty statements about you.

Yes, this is the place of rejection and neglect; it’s the place where shame almost swallowed you. Very many times when we are in our “immediate moments”, many think we have missed God or have sinned terribly!

The “immediate moments” in this book of destiny can be painful. At such times if you are into ministry, you will believe you were never called or that you went “too soon” into ministry. The “immediate seasons” are seasons where you have too many questions without answers!

But this season is not forever; it’s just as it sounds, the “immediate”. It is about now; today. But it is not THE END. The ultimate is THE END. The “ultimate” is the destination. It is the PLACE of FULL MANiFESTATiON of GRACE and GLORY.

This is the place where men will say finally, “show me your God!” This is where Jehovah is taking you to. You will get there, in Jesus Precious Name

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