Philemon 1:10 (KJV)
I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, WHOM I HAVE BEGOTTEN iN MY BONDS
I find this particular Scripture interesting and very revealing also. I see light in these precious words of the great servant of God, Paul, the apostle. In another version, he says,” My request is for my child Onesimus, THE CHiLD OF MY CHAiNS,” (BBE).
Paul said that Onesimus was the “child of his chains”. In other words, “I gave birth to you (spiritually speaking), while I was in PRiSON…” The New King James Version says,” I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten WHiLE IN MY CHAiNS,”
It’s clear from these different translations that Paul was not in a good condition when Onesimus was converted. Onesimus was not born again in a crusade or revival meeting that Paul was ministering in as a guest speaker. Paul was not in a crusade; he was in prison!
There were times in his life when Paul had “great” moments preaching, when the sailing was smooth; no boisterous winds or the likes. Everything was just cool and nice. But this time around, the situation was not sweet. He was locked up, bound in chains, and surrounded by soldiers.
It wasn’t a sweet moment for Paul. At face value, one would think that nothing much would happen. How in the world could Paul have “given birth” to Onesimus, when the condition was not perfect?
Did you know that very many times, when we read about some Bible characters and the great works they did, we erroneously conclude that they had it all smooth and easy.
I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, WHOM I HAVE BEGOTTEN iN MY BONDS
I find this particular Scripture interesting and very revealing also. I see light in these precious words of the great servant of God, Paul, the apostle. In another version, he says,” My request is for my child Onesimus, THE CHiLD OF MY CHAiNS,” (BBE).
Paul said that Onesimus was the “child of his chains”. In other words, “I gave birth to you (spiritually speaking), while I was in PRiSON…” The New King James Version says,” I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten WHiLE IN MY CHAiNS,”
It’s clear from these different translations that Paul was not in a good condition when Onesimus was converted. Onesimus was not born again in a crusade or revival meeting that Paul was ministering in as a guest speaker. Paul was not in a crusade; he was in prison!
There were times in his life when Paul had “great” moments preaching, when the sailing was smooth; no boisterous winds or the likes. Everything was just cool and nice. But this time around, the situation was not sweet. He was locked up, bound in chains, and surrounded by soldiers.
It wasn’t a sweet moment for Paul. At face value, one would think that nothing much would happen. How in the world could Paul have “given birth” to Onesimus, when the condition was not perfect?
Did you know that very many times, when we read about some Bible characters and the great works they did, we erroneously conclude that they had it all smooth and easy.
No, they didn't just have an easy time all through. They had challenges just as we do. There were rough times; trials, tests, and temptations. Paul even said that there were moments in which they gave up on life! They lost hope.
2 Corinthians 1:8 (KJV)
For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of OUR TROUBLE which came to us in Asia, THAT WE WERE PRESSED out of measure, above strength, iNSOMUCH THAT WE DESPAiRED EVEN OF LiFE:
Wait a minute! I thought Paul was a great man of faith? Did you notice he said, “Our trouble”? How come a “faith preacher” is talking about having”trouble”? He said there was pressure on them; they were “weighed down” exceedingly; and they came to a point where they gave up and thought the end had finally come.
I've taken a little extra time to explain some of these things so you can know that these Bible folks were human as we are, and they had situations too that were ugly, yet they won! The odds were against them, but in spite of it all, they succeeded.
Paul was in chains, bound in a prison, yet Onesimus was “born”. The negative flow of things could not STOP Paul. He went ahead, advanced, despite oppositions. NOTHiNG could STOP Paul, he was fruitful. If Paul could not be stopped, NOTHiNG WiLL STOP YOU this season.
You will be FRUiTFUL ; you will be PRODUCTiVE, you will ARRiVE, and you will GET THERE, NO MATTER what Hell is doing around you. Your FRUiTFULNESS isn't limited to when the weather is “clear”. The external flow of things should not stop you from “giving birth”.
Paul was in chains, yet Onesimus was born. The Oil of God upon your life is too FERTiLE to be BARREN! You will fulfill that ministry. That business will see the light of the day. We can’t stop these “troubles” from coming; but one thing is prophetically sure: the HARDER they COME, the HARDER they FALL! We will advance, because we are UNSTOPABLE!
Make up your mind that these pressures will not STOP your FRUiTFULNESS. The harsh economic condition will not STOP you from building that house. You are a “covenant child”. The “Word of Promise” is backing you. Your prophecies are too alive to be killed by the agents of darkness!
Let Pharaoh deal “wisely” with us by holding dark meetings to destroy us. Let him set “task masters” over us to “afflict” us with burdens, but anyhow, anyhow, we will “increase, we will multiply, and we will possess”. Hallelujah!
Genesis 1:28 (KJV)
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, BE FRUiTFUL, AND MULTiPLY, and replenish the earth…
You have been blessed from the beginning. The enemy has come too late. A pronouncement of good will has been made over your life. Your FRUiTFULNESS is sure and non negotiable. These unwholesome situations cannot STOP you.
You don’t need to wait till everything calms down. Your greatest breakthrough is right inside this ugly condition you are in now. Did you know that a major part of Paul’s epistles were written in prison? Your external circumstance may not be smooth, but NOTHiNG CAN NEGATiVELY AFFECT THE WORD OF GOD.
Don’t mystify your troubles. The Lord is only training you through it all. Your BEST is about to COME FORTH by this OPPOSiTiON. In the language of Bishop Erasmus Nosa Oleghe, I dare say to you that you are being “energized by oppositions”. Your greatest testimony is coming. Get ready for the NEXT LEVEL of FRUiTFULNESS.
I believe that the Lord is speaking to you through this message today. Take a look at that “chain” in your life once more and say to it, “Chains, you may be on me; your assignment is to STOP me and HiNDER me from FRUiTFULNESS. But I REFUSE to let you be. Your PURPOSE and iNTENTiONS against me are PERMANENTLY DAMAGED! I will PUSH THROUGH. Nothing, and absolutely NOTHiNG CAN STOP ME!”
Friends, rise up from that low position you are in, and see the potentials in you waiting to manifest! The Lord is still with you. What He did when the “south wind blew softly”; He can still do now that a “tempestuous wind” is blowing!
- From the TOP of my HEAD to the SOLES of my FEET, I DECLARE with my MOUTH, that my LiFE is SUPERABUNDANTLY FRUiTFUL!
- My PROPHECiES are CATCHiNG UP with me, and my NCREASE is iNCREASiNG!
- That which is POTENTiAL in me will NOT DiE UNREALiZED, in Jesus Name!
- There is FRESH OiL upon my HEAD; I am SWiFT as the EAGLES and STRONG as the LiON!
- The UNCTiON upon me is causing me to be FRUiFUL in ALL AREAS of LiFE!
- In Jesus Name, I AM A BOUGH, even A FRUiTFUL BOUGH by a SPRiNG!
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